Dear bibliophiles, in this part we are going to cover how to buy and read eBooks on Nalnda. Before you deep diving into ‘how to buy and read eBooks’ do not forget to go through the article setting up account using Sequence wallet
Since our marketplace is on Testnet, readers will be able to buy eBooks using Nalnda USDC Token on Testnet. We have created a faucet from which readers can draw out Nalnda USDC Token. To know how to use a faucet read here. Once you have USDC in your Testnet wallet, you are ready for the journey into the world of first ever decentralized marketplace for NFT based eBooks where readers can buy, read and resell their eBooks.
We will be buying and reading ‘Around The World in 80 Days’ by Jules Verne, one of the great classics.
Step 1: Search your favorite eBook to read
Go to explore page and search for ‘Around The World in 80 Days’ using search bar.
Or readers can use filters to search for eBooks based on their preferences.
Step 2: Book Detail Page
Clicking on the eBook will take the reader to the eBook’s detail page. We have created an interactive detail page that gives a plethora of details about the title including the smart contract that contains the metadata information on the blockchain.
Step 3: Buying your eBook
Click on preview button to read to some part of eBook. To buy the eBook, click on Buy Now. This will open Sequence wallet in pop up screen to complete the transaction.
Do not forget to enable pop up in your browser
After confirming the transaction, your purchased eBook will appear in your library. You can also, verify the transaction and ownership of the eBook on blockchain. Currently, we are working on Polygon Mumbai Testnet, you will see the transaction on<youraddress>.
Step 4: Reading eBook
Purchased eBooks will appear in your library, click on the eBook to go to Book details page or click on read button to direct go to eReader.
Since all the eBooks are stored on IPFS, the eBook owner will have to verify that he is the the owner of the eBook. Basically, readers are buying book cover which is an NFT that gives access to eBook stored on IPFS. For reading eBooks, readers will have authenticate their ownership for reading the eBooks every time they want to read it.
eReader’s Features
a. Read time: Our eReader keeps track of reading time (on the left side upper corner) Our eBook reader is work in progress.
b. Progress percentage: Readers can view their progress %age at the bottom of the page.
c. Bookmark and annotations: Both can be viewed on top right side corner
d. Font and theme setting: Set your font size, font type and line spacing as per your comfort. We suggest using font size at 60%, font type as Times and line spacing of 1.6.
Our eReader is work in progress and we are making it better everyday. We hope you like our eReader app. Please share your feedback on our Twitter account or Telegram channel.
About Nalnda
Nalnda is a decentralized marketplace for NFT based eBooks that allow readers to more than just read them and authors/publishers to have multiple revenue streams and earn a royalty on every secondhand book sale.
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